
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Another blog move

As you know, I moved my blog to FreeThought Blogs in early February. Well, another website, Patheos, has made me an offer to move my blog there and I’ve decided to take it. It’s a good business decision for me, and I hope it will give me further opportunities to continue growing my readership. When this move is completed sometime this coming week, this url will redirect readers there.

Just to give some background, Patheos is a site devoted to all manner of discussion of religion and nonreligious paths, and, in addition to information about a large number of religious traditions and columns on the religious and political issues of the day, it offers different “portals,” including Catholic, Mormon, Pagan, and Atheist, each containing resources and blogs. There will be no moderation of my content, and I will be free to handle my comments section without interference. FreeThought Blogs was nothing but good to me, but Patheos wasn’t in the cards when I first moved in early February and at the time I didn’t foresee this opportunity opening up.

I truly hope all of my readers will follow me as I make this change. I have a lot of exciting new ideas for my blog, including both things to blog about and ways to highlight more of my readers’ experiences as well. I’d like to compile a sort of database for people making journeys similar to mine, and also a resource for those wanting to learn more about the effects of movements like Christian Patriarchy and Quiverfull. This is, of course, in addition to my regular blogging. I hope to see you all there, and especially all of my long-term regular commenters! 

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to read your Pathos blog but I don't see a link here lol. Maybe I'm just missing it.
